EmberConf 2024 May 31, 2024 http://www.emberconf.com
CFP closed

The CFP closed on Apr 15, 2024 at 12:00am MDT

Thank you for all submitted proposals!

EmberConf 2024 is now accepting proposals for talks. Join us in-person and virtually on May 31, 2024!

What will this year look like?

This year we're doing a one-day conference in the always exciting New York City!

Proposals will be accepted from Monday, April 8th through Monday, April 15th at 11:59 pm Pacific time.

What will giving a talk actually look like?

Conference talks will be 30 or 15 minutes total. Your reviewers may also suggest alternatives if they feel your submitted topic warrants more or less time than you proposed.

The process and timeline is as follows:

  • Acceptances will go out as talks are accepted on a rolling basis.
  • Shortly after that, you'll be scheduled for a review with member(s) of the program committee to help you evaluate what you're up to. If you've moved quickly, this could be a full dry run-through of your talk. If you've moved less quickly, you should at least be prepared with your full outline and plans by this call.
  • If we have time before the conference, we'll schedule final run-throughs. That means your talk should be close to ready, but our expert reviewers will still make small suggestions to help get it in even better shape.
  • If your talk is pre-recorded, your recorded materials will be due during the second week of May. You'll most likely do a complete run-through in your space and send us (1) your audio, (2) your video, and (3) a screen recording of your slides from your live run-through. Depending on tooling, items 1 and 2 might be the same file. We'll stitch them together, line up all the audio and video, and add branded starting+ending slides and music.

Each talk will have a separate Discord channel in the conference Discord, and remote/pre-recorded speakers are expected to be available while their talks are airing live, to answer questions and chat with the audience. You'll be able to post any pre- or post-talk materials in the channel for folks as well. We'll also have live radio-style broadcasts, speaker interviews, and audience interaction opportunities.

How will the CFP review work?

We'll be voting on and reviewing talks on a rolling basis and will attempt to send feedback sooner than our final evaluation, so the earlier you submit, the more chance you'll have to tweak your pitch and improve your odds.

As usual, the first several rounds of reviews in our CFP are blind. To respect this process, please refrain from including biographical information in your talk abstract or details. Note that this also means if you receive any feedback, the reviewers don't know who you are then either.

Sweet! What happens if I get accepted?

If your Conference Talk is selected, you'll receive the following:

  • a free pass to attend the conference
  • a TBD speaker honorarium; typically our allocation is $500 per 30m, but with so many different formats, that likely means we'll need to do some math once the agenda is set to sort out what each slot ends up receiving, proportionally. Exact numbers also depend on sponsorships or lack thereof.
  • special speaker-only gifts, mailed to your address or handed out in person.
  • the opportunity to be assigned a mentor or accountability partner to help keep you on track

...and other special speaker privileges and invitations.

Anything else?

EmberConf is intended to be an inclusive, welcoming conference for everyone. Our Code of Conduct can be found here: https://emberconf.com/code-of-conduct.

NOTE: If you are accepted as a speaker and have already purchased a ticket, we'll refund it 100%. So don't wait, be sure you have a seat either way!

If you have questions others might or want to brainstorm with Ember friends, there's an ember-conf channel in the Ember Community Discord, as well as a talks channel.

For those with family obligations: in-person EmberConf will have on-site childcare and a private nursing parent space. If you have related logistical concerns, such as being unavailable for specific times of the day due to childcare obligations, pumping or nursing schedules, etc., we'll be sure to accommodate those as well <3

Feel free to reach out if you're concerned about anything not spelled out here or in our event FAQ.

Conference information: http://emberconf.com/
Questions? Bugs? email [email protected].


We'll add to this as we notice questions coming from multiple sources.

1. Can I edit my proposal after I submit it?

Very much yes! In fact, that's the idea—you get feedback, and then you edit to improve, and then you get accepted <3

Once the CFP ends, of course, things get a lot more final fast.

2. Can I have more than one presenter?

Our thoughts on this are nuanced. The blanket answer is yes; you can submit a talk with as many presenters as you'd like—the app will allow it.

Digging in a bit though, talks with multiple speakers are significantly less likely to get accepted. If we have any, it'll be limited. In practice, they're incredibly difficult to do well, so when there are enough single-speaker proposals, we're more likely to choose the less risky path. They'll also be especially challenging to record since none of us are in the same place... but if you're up for the challenge, we want to hear about it :)

3. I submitted a proposal but haven't received any feedback. Is everything alright?

Yep! Not all submissions will receive feedback. This is partially because our resources are limited, but also because some of them will be 100% clear, and no clarifications will be required. So not getting any feedback isn't an indicator of how your proposal has been received.

Also, of course, the earlier you submit, the more likely it is that you'll receive questions and/or feedback from reviewers.